Canvas Discovery Page
Canvas Learning Management System allows courses to be created and learning resources, assignments, and assessments to be posted online. Teachers will post coursework for online learning or complement face-to-face instruction. In Canvas, students have quick access to course content, course calendars, homework to-do lists, messaging, student to student collaborations, assessments, rich and effective teacher feedback, video conferencing, and grades.
Parents, need help registering or logging in? Read below:
Parents and guardians can access their student's courses through Canvas Observer. You can view class content (with the exception of quizzes), review the course calendar, and monitor your student's grades. For more information about Observer accounts at the elementary level, please visit the Canvas Observer Guides. For more information about getting pairing codes from your secondary student, please use this Canvas Observer Guide.
Secondary students will need to provide their parent/guardian with a pairing code to connect the observer account with the student account. Elementary students will be provided their pairing code from their classroom teacher.
Parents and guardians can access their student's courses through Canvas Observer. You can view class content (with the exception of quizzes), review the course calendar, and monitor your student's grades. For more information about Observer accounts at the elementary level, please visit the Canvas Observer Guides. For more information about getting pairing codes from your secondary student, please use this Canvas Observer Guide.
Secondary students will need to provide their parent/guardian with a pairing code to connect the observer account with the student account. Elementary students will be provided their pairing code from their classroom teacher.